23 July 2021 By AFP At least 20 civilians have been killed and tens of thousands displaced in “heavy fighting” between rebels and pro-government forces in Ethiopia’s Afar region, which neighbours war-hit Tigray, an official said on Thursday. The sustained clashes in Afar highlight the potential for Ethiopia’s eight-month-old conflict to expand […]
The Citizen, 23 June 2021 By Marizka Coetzer (marizkac@citizen.co.za) According to Sars customs data, the export value of tobacco products increased from R14.24 billion in 2019 to R15.87 billion in 2020. Cartons of illicit cigarettes were turned into confetti yesterday when the South African Revenue Service (Sars) destroyed illegal products seized at […]
BBC News, 24 June 2021 IMAGE COPYRIGHTGETTY IMAGES Egypt is trying to strengthen its diplomatic and military clout in Africa amid an escalating dispute with Ethiopia over the building of a huge dam on a tributary of the River Nile, writes Egypt analyst Magdi Abdelhadi. The Egyptian Geographic Society, established in […]
Virunga National Park, DRC Virunga National Park, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Virunga National Park is located in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo, within the Albertine Rift Valley. It includes a lush landscape that ranges from the Semliki River Valley to the Rwenzori Mountains, Mount Nyiragongo, and […]
By Mark Rasch June 10, 2021 With the weather getting warmer, and vaccinations against COVID-19 increasing, we are likely to see an increase in travel — including international business travel. But for individuals and companies seeking to protect their data privacy, a recent ruling by the United States Court of Appeals […]